+49 40 – 415 3710-35

e-Learning: Strategies for conflict resolution

Mastering conflict resolution – your guide through the labyrinth of human relationships

Do you sometimes feel like you’re in a maze when it comes to conflict? Swap doubt for clarity! In this innovative e-learning, we navigate you through Gerhard Schwarz’s ingenious six conflict resolution strategies. From “Escape” to “Agree” – we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and prepare you to make smart, prudent decisions. Develop your personal skills and master conflicts like a pro!


Employees, aspiring and experienced leaders, lateral leadership styles, project managers – anyone who wants to take their conflict resolution skills to the next level.

Communication, conflict management

Total duration: 60 minutes


For more information on booking options for e-learning courses, please contact us.

Competencies that are developed

  • Perceptive problem analysis
  • Penetrating understanding of conflict
  • Effective conflict resolution
  • Transparency as a leader
  • Prudence in action

Learning objectives of the e-Learning

  • Master Gerhard Schwarz's six conflict resolution strategies
  • Reflect on and expand your own approach
  • Recognize the strategies of your colleagues and employees
  • Perfect the "consensus" as the ultimate conflict resolution

Methods in e-learning

  • Moderated videos
  • Learning questions
  • Real-world exercises
  • Interactive elements
  • Transfer tasks
  • Key messages and
  • knowledge quiz